À la recherche du citoyen « ordinaire », les publics imaginés de l’ouverture des données publiques au niveau municipal. Les Enjeux de l’information et de la communication

Based on the study of the Open Data Portal of the City of Montreal (Canada), this article reports on the publics of municipal open data at three levels: the publics imagined in the discourses, the publics configured by the digital device, and the publics constructed through the strategies of actors. We show how the figure of the “ordinary” citizen is worked on discursively and practically, and how the (non) uses of the portal constitute indices of the expectations of the actual publics which, reinterpreted by the actors, contribute to the evolution of the publics and their representations. Beyond the observation of the non-equivalence between the ideal and the empirical publics, the study encourages us to pay attention to the resulting adaptation strategies, the fruit of a delicate negotiation between different interests to be preserved.

This content has been updated on 19 December 2023 at 15 h 28 min.