Research projects This content is not available in the selected language. This content has been updated on 22 January 2019 at 22 h 04 min. The Noûs Initiative : Using Collective Intelligence for Critical Thinking to Counter Misinformation Workaround Practices : Hacking Algorithmic Power through Inventive Circumvention InfosFiables : Information Practices and Trust in Information Authorities among Quebecers Le Numérique en questions (Digital issues and questions) Queering Algorithmic Governance : An Inquiry into Automation and Its Social Implications for Canada’s LGBTQ+ Communities "Rivière à l'œil" : A Reflective Analysis on a Participatory Science Initiative The “Datafication” of Society Online Legal Information Platforms : The Accessible “Plumitif” Digital Infrastructures in Science: Modes of Collaboration, Forms of Sociability and “Ways of Knowing” Research projects achieved