Situating Ethics in Online Mourning Research : A Scoping Review of Empirical Studies

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Abstract :

In the past decade, mourning practices have widely spread on the Internet. Consequently, the interest for these practices among academics has also increased. This article first offers an overview of the methods that have been used to study online mourning and to document the ethical challenges raised by researchers. Through a scoping review process, we identified 40 empirical papers addressing online mourning that draw from found data (observation and analysis of digital traces found online), made data (collection techniques such as surveys and interviews), or both. The analysis shows that ethical issues are scarcely addressed within the current literature. We then situate our results within the broader context of online research ethics and, given its intricacies, reflect on the importance of developing context-based ethical approaches for studying mourning and its computer-mediated expression.

This content has been updated on 6 May 2020 at 18 h 24 min.