Special Issue « Knowledge Infrastructures – Part II »

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The papers presented here were submitted in response to a call for papers that sought to draw together the current state of understanding of knowledge infrastructures from the viewpoint of STS and to provide a basis from which to evaluate the distinctive contribution that the theoretical resources of STS were making within this territory. That call for papers produced a high level of response, providing a clear indication that STS scholars are indeed taking knowledge infrastructures seriously, and that the study of infrastructures is providing fruitful ground for developing insights into STS’s core concerns with interrogating the complex, emergent sociotechnical systems that pervade the contemporary world. The initial call for papers produced more successful submissions than could be accommodated in a single issue of the journal, and hence the envisaged special issue will, in fact, extend across multiple issues of which this is the second.

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This content has been updated on 19 December 2023 at 15 h 18 min.