Science & Technology Studies

Calendrier Événements

Conférence Internationale | Sorting things out’s legacy, 20 years later

Cette conférence a mis en évidence l’ouvrage « Sorting things out. Classifications and its consequences », l’une des plus originales œuvres sociologiques des vingt dernières années. Bien que ce livre soit une importante référence dans le domaine de la sociologie de la science et des techniques et soit largement cité dans les publications anglo-saxonnes, il reste à […] Lire la suite

Numéros spéciaux de revues

Special Issue « Knowledge Infrastructures – Part I »

The focus of this special issue is on Knowledge Infrastructures. We have witnessed important changes in research and knowledge production in recent decades associated with developments in information technologies and infrastructures. In some circles these changes are promoted as a transformative force enabling new forms of investigation, but they may also be perceived as buttressing […] Lire la suite

Numéros spéciaux de revues

Special Issue « Bridging Communication Studies and Science and Technology Studies/Au croisement des études en communication et en science, technologie, société (STS) »

In recent years, there has been a notable cross-fertilization of ideas from the fields of Communication Studies and Science and Technology Studies (STS). Researchers from both domains are increasingly seeking to better understand intersections between communication and socio-technical infrastructures. For example, growing numbers of communication researchers have been employing conceptual tools and methods offered by […] Lire la suite