Le visionnement connecté dans le quotidien des jeunes femmes au Québec

Based on quantitative and qualitative data, the authors aim to understand the integration of online viewing practices in the day-to-day lives of young women (18- 24 years old) in Québec, with a focus on domestic spaces. They examine what viewing devices and uses indicates in regards of the (trans)formation of women’s presence and social relations in domestic and public spaces, much in the line of Lynn Spigel’s reflection in the beginning of the 90s, yet in the context of the current media environment. They present the differential modalities of appropriation embedded in the viewing practices between men and women from their sample. Informed by the reception turn in cultural and communication studies applied to television and the Internet, and in part by the Feminist Television Criticism tradition, they discuss the gendered character of the expressed newfound autonomy and freedom related to content, spaces and times of viewing, of multitasking, as well as modalities of discovery. The data are analyzed with the objective of considering the domestic environment, yet more largely the economic, social and editorial logics at play on platforms in the configuration and formation of gender social relations.

This content has been updated on 4 November 2020 at 13 h 04 min.